Your Water Quality

Drinking water in the United States is generally safe and high quality. It is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world, and it should be. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is a federal law that sets standards for the safety and quality of public drinking water, and it requires water utilities to regularly test and report the quality of their water.  Private wells are not regulated by anyone and bottled water is regulated by the FDA (not through the EPA or the Safe Drinking Water Act). The EPA (sometimes enforced through states) maintains regulatory and legal oversight of public drinking water systems. There continues to be much research about emerging contaminants, there is a  lot of information about contaminates in drinking water, and it's important to understand what's coming out of your tap. If you have a complaint or concern, or are just curious about the quality of your drinking water, here are some steps to take.

Before you go it alone and test your own water, read our in-home troubleshooting advice for optimal water quality.  Although many supplemental treatment options exist, if these are not maintained regularly, water quality issues can arise and create problems. 

Contact us for more info.